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发布时间 :2016-02-02 16:34       文章来源:未知
啥样的关键词密度为好呢?关键词密度是一个模糊的概念,没有一个精确的公式来限定其密度,各家查找引擎的密度值操控都不相同,乃至是同一家的查找引擎,对不同网站的关键词密度的巨细所能答应的忍受阈值也不相同,比方同样一个页面,新浪、CCTV的网站密度值到达20%或许就没有啥工作,你的估计就立刻被屏蔽了,这还触及到了查找引擎的信任值疑问,在此先不准备赘述,咱们需求做的第一件工作,或许应当说到的是有关性和频率之间的区别,依据巨大的数字信息,维基饮水机,“时刻”字在英语中最常用的名词之一。这意味着任何给定的网站主页上,有适当大的时机,“时刻”字会呈现屡次。假如咱们应用于查找引擎应用到根据频率的词,然后一个页面有关理论… …那么,它仅仅将无法正常工作。
  2、关键词密度或关键词频率,在页面中关键词呈现的频率越高,查找引擎便会以为该页面内容与相应关键词的有关性更高,从而更易呈现在SERP页面的前端。title标签是一个页面最首要的查找关键词放置的方位。在title标签内,关键词的规划方法是很首要的。最首要的关键词应放置在页面title标签的开头有些。假如放上悉数关键词,则在title标签内有形成关键词堆砌(keyword stuffing)的风险。千万不要在title标签内运用任何关键词超越5次,不然有或许形成keywords密度过大而被查找引擎过滤和抛弃。
Keyword density is a crucial part of a search engine optimisation strategy.  However, finding the best keyword density doesn’t mean just including a keyword in a document more times than a competitor.  There is a great disparity between the frequency of a keyword in a document and the relevance of that keyword to the document, and that needs to be understood by strategists and SEO copywriters if the greatest search marketing results are to be achieved.
The first thing I should probably mention is the difference between relevance and frequency.  According to the great dispenser of digital information, Wikipedia, the word ‘time’ is one of the most frequently used nouns in the English language.  This means that on the homepage of any given website, there is a large chance that the word ‘time’ would appear several times.  If we applied the theory that the search engines applied relevance to a webpage based on the frequency of words then…well, it just wouldn’t work.
A more logical approach would be to repeatedly include industry relevant terms, but because of the ‘keyword stuffing’ approach adopted by early black-hat SEOs, the search engines quickly adapted their algorithms to minimise the correlation between frequency and relevance.
The correct term for how Google treats keywords in a document is ‘Weight’.  Keyword weight is found by calculating the importance of words in the document, and in the search engine index.  Unfortunately, Google and the like have never published the scale they use for judging keyword weight, so at times Keyword density can be a bit of a guessing game.
So, Google use keyword weight to calculate relevance as opposed to frequency, but there does seem to be an estimated quantity for keyword density that seems quite accurate.  Most SEO and digital marketing professionals feel comfortable including a quantity of suggesting a keyword density of between 2-7%.  That percentage is calculated by dividing the number of keywords a webpage is targeting by the number of other words in that document.
A rule I always try to apply is think of a piece of SEO copywriting like a conversation.  If you’re trying to explain to another person about what a business does or what a product is, what keywords would you use and how many times would you use them.  Using certain industry relevant phrases lots of times would seem unusual in a conversational format, and not using them enough could leave the listener confused or unsure.  Keyword density should always be natural, never forced.
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